200 hour yoga teacher training


iHeartYoga Teacher Training Graduation.png

This training includes a 3-day mexico retreat!

program overview

As a Yoga Alliance certified school, our program ensures a comprehensive experience. Equipping you with tools for empowered, intelligent, creative, and safe yoga experiences, we cultivate an experiential learning environment rooted in community and personal accountability. Whether you aspire to teach professionally or deepen your personal yoga practice, we meet you where you are, guiding your growth every step of the way.

Reserve your spot today with a $500 deposit


2024 Schedule

This is an 8-week course (with breaks in between)
followed by a Graduation Retreat in Mexico!

Fridays 5:30 - 10 PM
Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

2024 Dates

Week 1: Aug. 2nd - 4th

Week 2: Aug. 9th - 11th

Week 3: Break

Week 4: Aug. 23rd - 25th

Week 5: Aug. 30th - Sep. 1st

Week 6: Break

Week 7: Sep. 13th - 15th

Week 8: Break

Week 9: Sep. 27th - 29th

Week 10: Break

Week 11: Oct. 11th - 13th

Week 12: Oct. 23-25th
Graduation Retreat in Mexico

iHeartYoga Elsa and Bree

lead instructors


Introducing Bree Koenig, our lead instructor boasting over 15 years of experience teaching yoga and is the architect of our training program's curriculum and manual.  Bree's authentic teaching style is committed to building a strong foundation, fostering a deep connection to your unique body, and enhancing your joy in yoga practice. Within the program, she passionately cultivates community, nurturing robust relationships that harness each student's distinct skill sets, interests, and avenues for growth. At the heart of Bree's teaching is a profound passion for sharing yoga, guiding individuals to uncover purpose and joy in their lives.


Meet Elsa Stuart, the visionary behind iHeartYoga since its inception in 2008. What began as teaching yoga in the park transformed into a thriving community event and a brick-and-mortar studio, hosting retreats, events, and teacher trainings. Elsa, having led nine teacher trainings, is the driving force behind the majority of iHeart's teaching staff. With over 40 retreats to Mexico under her belt, she lives for hosting yoga events. Teaching at iHeartYoga is Elsa's weekly highlight, creating an atmosphere that feels like a warm group hug. Elsa's infectious, fun, and energetic personality ensures you'll leave each session smiling from ear to ear!


the art of sequencing

The iHeartYoga sequence is a well-rounded, intelligent, and safe foundation for teachers. It equips instructors with the skills to create personalized yoga sequences, emphasizing seamless transitions and layering foundational postures for body awareness. The sequence fosters a balance of strength and flexibility within a framework of freedom and structure. Explore crafting classes with anatomically focused themes, offering variations for students of all levels. Gain tools for injury prevention and recovery. Learn to use props like blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps to support students in understanding their bodies and postures at every level.


hands on assists

Discover the power of touch in our yoga teacher training. Learn to assist students purposefully with intentional touch, guiding them through postures with clarity. Gain insights into energy lines and sensation-based anatomy language. Develop the ability to make informed decisions based on each student's unique needs, exploring both universally known and personalized assists for a transformative teaching experience.


practice teaching

Practice teaching and refining skills are essential aspects often overlooked in training. We prioritize giving you ample time to build confidence in teaching sequences and offering hands-on assists. Expect valuable feedback from both instructors and peers, provided with love and encouragement. Embrace the idea that it's okay not to have all the answers; asking for clarity is how growth happens.


mind +Body + spirit

Embark on a holistic journey encompassing mind, body, and spirit through our Yoga Teacher Training. Explore the foundational 8 Limb Path, extending beyond physical postures to integrate personal boundaries, moral behavior, meditation, discipline, breath work, curiosity, and devotion. Gain the tools to support your students with meaningful intentions and themes, enhancing mental health, fortitude, personal awareness, and communication. The iHeartYoga curriculum empowers you to bring yoga into everyday life, nurturing well-being in relationships with both self and others.

3-day Graduation retreat in mexico

Conclude your yoga journey with us by teaching your very first class as an official yoga instructor in the serene beauty of Mexico. Celebrate this unforgettable training experience with breathtaking ocean views, authentic cuisine, and meaningful community connections.

guest lecturer


MAGGie Gelineau

Maggie has a deep passion for empowering teachers to discover an authentic and personal style of teaching. She has been facilitating continuing education and yoga teacher training programs for 8 years. Maggie’s work assists in defining clear intentions and core values as a leader within the community. Her leadership is both playful and thought-provoking.

Her workshops and lectures include :
- Anatomy of yoga and movement
- The Art of Language Cueing, and Hands-On Assists.
- Finding Your Authentic Teaching Voice.
- Prenatal



Payment Plan Schedule:
After the initial $500 deposit, the reminder of the tuition will be divided into 3 equal payments. August 2nd, September 1st & October 1st.

Reserve your spot today with a $500 deposit


included in this training

- 3 day retreat to Mexcio

- 3 month membership to iHeartYoga

- iHeartYoga Asana Alignment & Assists Manual

- Sequence Building Journal

Still wondering if this training is right for you, or if you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call (949) 577-6634